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Fern's Frogs
Availability List
Breeding Poison Dart Frog Since 2010
Updated March 2, 2025
(availability list is subject to last minute changes prior to an expo)

Something for Everyone
Show Schedule - HERE
Schedule a private 'purchase visit'
Questions or Appointment:
Call or text 631-935-5714
Pre Show HOLDS are welcome ~ Please arrange well ahead of time
IN PERSON SALES ~ ONLY ( expos or via appointment)
"What's on Deck" ~ Dart Frog Offspring Waiting List
Fern's Frogs does NOT sell poison dart frogs bred by others

A diverse selection and NUMEROUS poison dart frogs offspring are displayed at every Expo
Show Schedule
Fern's Frogs is a proud sponsor of American Frog Day and ReptileExpo
NY Metro Reptile Expo (White Plains)
Westchester County Center
SUNDAY April 13, 2025
SUNDAY July 13, 2025
SUNDAY September 7, 2025
SUNDAY November 23, 2025
Table #s 24, 25, 26
Fern's Frog's tables are at the base of the stage

Nassau Reptile Expo
Saturday, June 28, 2025
**Fall Expo to be Announced**
9:30am – 4:00pm
Cradle of Aviation Museum
Charles Lindbergh Blvd.
Garden City, NY 11530

Fern's Frogs Table Location
1st Floor - Center
Availability List
Updated March 2,, 2025
ALL offspring bred by Fern's Frogs - References Available
(Occasionally, a "Guest Breeder" will accompany Fern' Frogs to an expo- this breeders stock will be clearly identified)
PROVEN pair = fertilized clutch(s)~~~~ Fern's Frog's does NOT sell "probable pairs"
Please contact or call Fern's Frogs regarding "Holds/Pending Sale" policy prior to an expo
Fern's Frogs does NOT take deposits
** Lets discuss the lineage about EVERY poison dart frog bred at Fern's Frogs **
(6 pair available) Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos $370/2
(1 pair available) Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos (Gold Dust) $390/2
( 1 pair available) Oophaga pumilio "Rambala" $370/2
(1 pair available) Oophaga Pumilio "Rio Branco" 450/2
Proven Pair = developed viable eggs
Fern's Frogs does not sell "probable pairs"
Large Obligates - all 6 months oow prior to a sale
Oophaga sylvatica
1-Oophaga sylvatica "Paru - $450 - unsexed adult
Oophaga histrionica
5-Oophaga histrionica "Redhead" (small form) unsexed $495
2-Oophaga histrionica "Tado" $850
2-Oophaga histrionica "Tado" (1.0.1 likely female) $1800/2
On Deck:
3- Oophaga histrionica "Redhead" (small form)
Oophaga granulifera
2-Oophaga granulifera "Golfito" $399
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos
Fern's Frogs breeds 8 pair of Oophaga Bastimentos including 4 pair of 'Gold Dust' identified by pair #
There is typically a large selection of pumilio to choose from through out the year
Expos are the best way to view EVERY available offspring
-several sexed and unsexed single Bastimentos from 8 breeder pairs-
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos from parental pairs #1, #2, #3, #6) - $150
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos (Gold Dust) from parental pairs #4, #5, #7 ,#8 - $160
OTHER Oophaga Pumilio
6-Oophaga pumilio ( sndf 2008) spotted "El Dorado" - $180 (pending sale/all) ready for April WP
Oophaga pumilio "El Dorado" $170 (finely spotted-later import)
Oophaga pumilio "Rio Branco" -$180
Oophaga pumilio - "Rambala" - $160
Great News - Old line "Black Jeans" are breeding again ! Tads are about to hatch
Phyllobates terribilis "Mint" - $80
Phyllobates terribilis "Mint" (adult TRIO) - $250/3
Phyllobates bicolor "Uraba" - $55
Ranitomeya sirensis “Lower Ucayali” - $100
Ranitomeya vanzolinii - $95
On deck:
R sirensis "Highland"
E imitator "Varadero"
Dendrobates tinctorius "Powder Blue" $55
On deck:
Dendrobates tinctorius "Green Sipaliwini"
Dendrobates tinctorius "Dwarf Cobalt"
Dendrobates tinctorius "Matecho"
Dendrobates tinctorius "Powder Blue"
TADPOLES (Availability Subject To Change)
Ranitomeya $35 ea, Dendrobates $25 ea, Phyllobates $25 ea
Breeders/Collection List
**new** Fruit Flies
**new** 'Fresh Clips' - assorted terrarium/vivarium plant clippings - 6/$25
'Graffiti' Moss Mix $20.00 / bag (no sphagnum moss)
'Moss Starters' (started with Graffiti Moss Mix) 8" X 8" container
well established on ABG - $25.00
'Marcgravia sp. Starters' 8" X 8" container
well established cuttings on ABG - $45
'Mixed Species Specials' 8" X 8"
several well established cuttings on ABG - $60
Payment methods - credit cards, cash, PayPal
What's on Deck and Waiting Lists
Fern’s Frogs tracks of every dart frog that changes hands.
A UUID number is issued for each frog that is bred by Fern’s Frogs.
Each card contains information such as lineage, line,
oow date, and sex if confirmed.

dart frogs for sale

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