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Fern's Frogs
Poison Dart Frog Breeding
The sole breeder at Fern’s Frogs is a recognized poison dart frog breeder located in Huntington, NY since 2010, maintaining a well established collection of poison dart frogs specializing in US captive breeding for other breeders, collectors, and hobbyists.
Let's start by answer an important question. Who are 'poison dart frog breeders' ? Becoming a recognized breeder of poison dart frogs in the United States is a meticulous endeavor that requires dedication, expertise, and a deep commitment to conservation. These breeders are passionate individuals who immerse themselves in the intricate world of amphibians, specializing in the care and propagation of these vibrant and potentially deadly creatures. To attain recognition, breeders must demonstrate a profound understanding of the frogs' complex biology, including their unique dietary needs, habitat requirements, and breeding behaviors. They meticulously monitor environmental conditions to replicate the frogs' native habitats, ensuring their health and well-being. Moreover, recognized breeders play a crucial role in both educating the public about these fascinating creatures and contributing to vital conservation efforts, ultimately safeguarding these remarkable species for generations to come. Their dedication to excellence and their critical role in preserving biodiversity make them invaluable contributors to maintaining poison dart frog populations born in captivity.
Fern's Frogs is dedicated to providing healthy and well-cared-for dart frogs for sale. We prioritize the care and proper husbandry of our frogs never compromising their well-being for the sake of quantity. We do not engage in selling wholesale and carefully manage the production of offspring. Each dart frog bred at Fern's Frogs is assigned a unique identification number using our FootPrints Lineage UUID generator. This important information is passed on to a buyer.
At Fern's Frogs, we take pride in the quality of our breeding and maintenance of proper husbandry practices. All the photos on our website showcase either our breeders or offspring, all of which have been carefully raised by the owner of Fern's Frogs in a controlled and safe environment. We do not purchase frogs for resale. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care for all the frogs in our care. All photos on our website have been taken by us and accurately depict the health and well-being of the frogs we offer for sale.
As a respected and experienced poison dart frog breeder, the importance of providing proper care and nutrition for froglets during the crucial early stages of their development is well understood. Depending on the species, our froglets are raised in smaller, carefully-planned environments for 3-8 months, where they are given a rotation of high-quality nutritional supplements and a variety of feeders to ensure a smooth transition to their new homes. At Fern's Frogs, we take the sale of our offspring very seriously and reserve the right to deny any dart frog sale if we feel it is not in the best interest of the frog.
Fern's Frogs routinely has a large and varied selection of captive-bred offspring for sale throughout the year. Displaying separate
photos for every available offspring is not possible. A request for photos prior to a potential purchase is encouraged. Dart frogs are available for purchase during a visit to Fern's Frogs or at a NY Metro area expo. Please feel free to ask for references. We encourage asking for as much information as possible. We enjoy the preparation of photographs of offspring and communication prior to a sale. Detailed information regarding lineage is always available.
Appointments are available 7 days a week for a buyers convivence. Pride is taken to guide a buyer of every skill level. We encourage people to ask for advice and to check our references. As well, there are many wonderful people in our hobby community, well-informed breeders, and an unlimited amount of resources to take advantage of.
Keeping dart frogs is a gratifying hobby. We believe choosing a frog in person adds joy to this rewarding experience. We do not ship our dart frogs. There are no plans to change this policy. Offspring are offered for sale during a scheduled 'purchase visit' and at expos. The show schedule can be found here.
Visit Fern's Frogs at an Expo
Schedule a Purchase Visit
Fern's Frogs is formally trademarked while
federal registration is pending.
All photos are property of Fern's Frogs®
Please ask to share
Upholding respect and moral responsibility is expected
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Thank You For Visiting
Fern's Frogs is Devoted to Proper Husbandry

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